A reckless driver puts a family in peril, a man goes to unbelievable lengths to steal a phone and a homeowner watches in horror as a stranger sets his house on fire.
A defiant victim refuses to give up even when a thief runs him over. An unarmed security guard confronts a gunman, and a crossing guard risks her life to save a child.
A mother jumps into action when her son is snatched off the street. Plus, woman is attacked in her own driveway, and a quick-thinking employee outsmarts armed robbers.
A chase ensues after a woman steals a police cruiser and two off-duty officers abandon their date night to jump into action. Plus, a robbery meets a shocking end.
A woman under attack rings a stranger’s doorbell for help. A brave 10-year-old narrowly escapes kidnappers, and a young woman risks her life to stand up to a bully.
Armed intruders terrorize a group of teens as their horrified parents watch on a surveillance camera. Fake government workers steal from unsuspecting residents.
Dustin Ebaugh
Stan Hsue
Benita Alexander-Noel
Antony Tackaberry
Elizabeth Massie