In the beginning, a plague crossed over the House of Heidelbaum. Its youngest, Jonah, was plunged into the belly of the whale; but was culled from the darkness by the shepherd Meyer Offerman. Somewhere across the ancient land of Manhattan, Millie Morris, a guardian of the law, whose faith hath been tested, trekked South upon the death of an elderly woman.
After his grandmother is murdered in her home, Jonah is approached by a family friend who reveals that the United States has been infiltrated by Nazis. Jonah is recruited into a secret organisation determined to root out the Nazi infiltrators.
At the behest of Meyer, The Hunters bring Jonah into their tribe.
Millie pursues justice; Jonah's faith is strained by the trials of The Hunt, and he turns to the specter of his grandmother for counsel; The Hunters toil to interpret the secret words of a wicked proclamation.
A trail of signs lead The Hunters to a merchant's lair, where echoes of the past remain; Millie visits Meyer Offerman's house where she encounters Jonah.
Meyer imparts courage to Jonah; The Hunters descend on Alabama to root out evil; Millie receives a tip.
Al Pacino
Meyer Offerman
Logan Lerman
Jonah Heidelbaum
Jerrika Hinton
Millie Malone
Josh Radnor
Lonny Flash
Kate Mulvany
Sister Harriet