A military family who are tired of constantly moving seek to settle in a home base somewhere around Malta.
A couple decides to move to Liberia in Costa Rica, but it's not as easy as they first thought when their wish list proves to be a challenge.
A family makes a major home and lifestyle move to Wellington in New Zealand from halfway across the world in New York.
A couple makes a spur-of-the-moment decision to move to Phnom Penh in Cambodia, but can't decide on whether they want to be near the city or not.
A rapper wants to move to Bariloche, Argentina, with his girlfriend, who leaves a television job in Manhattan.
A couple from Melbourne hope to find a reasonably-priced, Parisian apartment for their six-person family.
Terry Anzur
Elia Nichols
Josh Becker
Michael Holly
Andromeda Dunker