Uberto Pasolini

Uberto Pasolini

By this time, Pasolini had left Enigma to form his own company Redwave Films (UK) Ltd. He spent two years as a consultant to Columbia in London. Working with writer David Epstein, he helped to develop "Palookaville" (1995), which marked the feature directorial debut of Alan Taylor. A gentle comic look at a trio of bungling thieves in New Jersey, "Palookaville" earned numerous festival prizes but failed to find an audience in its limited release in 1996. Pasolini stuck pay dirt with "The Full Monty" (1997), which went on to become the top grossing British film. This comic look at unemployed steelworkers who turn to stripping and promise to remove all their clothing--the full monty--became the sleeper hit of the year and earned two awards at the European Film Academy Awards.