Love Thy Nature
Narrated by Liam Neeson, Love Thy Nature points to how deeply we’ve lost touch with nature – and takes us on a spellbinding journey through the beauty and intimacy of our relationship with the natural world. The film shows that a renewed connection with nature is key both to our personal health and the health of our planet. Neeson is the voice of “Sapiens” (our collective humankind) who, in the past few hundred years, has come to believe that we have transcended nature. Yet, experts uncover how a new era of nature-connection might be dawning: “Biomimicry” scientists look to the natural world for the most brilliant cutting-edge inventions, social ecologists unveil how nature restores communities, and doctors are finding new ways in which nature heals the body, mind, and brain. The winner of 27 awards, Love Thy Nature soothes our urban angst with the dazzling spectacles of our world. And Sapiens’ journey reveals how a relationship with nature ignites a sense of meaning and wonder so profound that it touches us at the very core of what it means to be human.
Liam Neeson
Sylvie Rokab