William Burke (Simon Pegg, Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Paul) and William Hare (Andy Serkis, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll, King Kong) are scratching out a living in 1820s Edinburgh. After yet another failed business venture, they return to Hare’s lodging house to find that a tenant has suddenly died on rent day. As the boys decide how to dispose of the body over a drink they discover that a corpse can fetch a hefty price. Edinburgh is the centre of the medical world and the city’s doctors are crying out for cadavers for their anatomical demonstrations. Not least, fierce rivals progressive Dr. Knox (Tom Wilkinson, Duplicity, Batman Begins) and traditionalist Dr. Monro (Tim Curry, Scary Movie 2, The Three Musketeers, Congo). When Knox is paid a visit by Burke & Hare with a fresh corpse he urges them to bring him any more “unfortunates” they may stumble upon. Entrepreneurial Hare is quick to realise they’ve hit on a lucrative venture and the pair begin to arrange a series of deadly “accidents”. Initially dogged by a guilty conscience, Burke changes his tune after meeting Ginny (Isla Fisher, Wedding Crashers, Confessions of a Shopaholic), a beautiful and spirited actress who’s seeking financial backing for her new play – an all female production of Macbeth.