Jennifer Crystal Foley
In the pantheon of famous Hollywood children, it's actually quite remarkable how far Jennifer Crystal has flown below the media radar. Many people would be hard-pressed to name the daughter of comedian and beloved Oscar host Billy, let alone the pair of TV dramas she has most prominently graced. Part of the reason is that beginning in 2000, via her marriage to Michael Foley, the actress took on the amalgamated family name of Crystal Foley, further muddying her famous familial tracks. Her first credit of note was the award-winning family drama "Once and Again"; during the second season, Crystal played the part of Sela Ward's boss at PagesAlive.com. A decade later, Crystal landed arguably her most iconic role as Rachel Taub, the wife of "House M.D." teaching fellow Chris Taub (Peter Jacobson). Occasionally, more likely for fun than anything else, Foley has popped up in some of her dad's movies, in small roles, as was the case with "61*" and "City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold."