Young and talented CIA agent Isabel Alfaro is looking forward to her new job in Mexico City; however, during her first day at work, all of her dreams are destroyed by her new manager, Wayne Addison.
After the bloodbath in Zócalo, panic erupts in Mexico City; Mexican and US armed forces work together to calm things down; in the Fusion Center, attempts are made to locate Bautista.
Pamela, a young woman who lives with a friend, walks dogs professionally in a wealthy area of the city and her customers include Natalia Portillo, who, according to Isabel, is in cahoots with Rafael Bautista.
Wayne, Isabel, and Pamela try to learn more about Natalia that could lead them to the Guerrero Cartel and Bautista; during the investigation, Pamela is put in danger and gets cold feet at the wrong moment.
When Bautista manages to kidnap three Navy Marines and hold them hostage, Wayne, Isabel, and Romero have to act as soon as possible to free them; Wayne is shocked to find out what Bautista has planned.
Isabel and Lalo get closer when they visit his childhood home in Balle de Bravo; as part of her investigation, he reveals one of his greatest secrets, yet Isabel draws the wrong conclusions.
James Purefoy
Wayne Addison
Eréndira Ibarra
Isabel Alfaro
José María de Tavira
Lalo Yzaguirre
Joaquín Cosío
Rafael Bautista
Roberto Sosa