The Gatsby Salon gets a new look, with new staff members under a multimillion-dollar renovation. After extensive interviews and auditions, the team is formed.
As the team settles, the stylists' personalities clash, creating tension at work. The different opinions are working together for the first time.
Worrying about its quiet reputation, Gayle shoots a commercial to raise the salon's profile and get the salon on the map.
A magazine searches for the best salon in the area, and the Gatsby has been entered. The team must stay on their best behaviour as a spy from the magazine visits.
Gayle and Alexa worry that a few of their team members don't fit their Gatsby Glam Fairy image. Tracy and Olicia are sent to a top New York City salon to build on their skills and image.
Olivia feels the need to prove herself to Alexa at her first ever Glam Fairy wedding. The bonds between the girls are strengthened and even go on a double date together.
Gayle Giacomo
Christy Pereira
Tracy Dimarco
Olivia Sharpe
Anthony Lombardi