After Red Skull destroys Captain America, Iron Man must reunite the group to stop Red Skull's army. However, he must sum up his strength as a leader to avenge his friend.
After Tony Stark's armour is stolen, The Avengers must put aside their differences to stop Red Skull and MODOK from destroying New York City.
Falcon finds himself alone after the Avengers fall victim to the body swapping Space Phantoms. The rookie must now save his team and take on an invasion.
After Doctor Doom uses a powerful Asgardian weapon to summon the Midgard Serpent, Thor sacrifices himself to save the world.
Captain America struggles to convince the team about Dracula's identity. He must lead the team into battle with him in order to save Black Widow.
The Avengers find themselves facing off against the high-tech, artificial intelligence super adaptoid, and Captain America remains as the last man standing.
Adrian Pasdar
Iron Man
Fred Tatasciore
Roger Craig Smith
Captain America
Travis Willingham
Troy Baker