While attempting to return a stuffed animal to a fellow orphan who left for a new home, Emma and Norman stumble upon a shocking revelation that changes their view of their orphanage and their caretaker, Isabella.
Emma and Norman look for a way to escape the orphanage and make preparations, even as they learn more about Mum.
While preparations are underway, Emma, Norman, and Ray are now "training" the other kids so they can get stronger and be ready when the time comes. But despite Mom's orders, the new Sister Krone has her own plan...
Emma, Norman, and Ray figure out that there may be a traitor among the children, an informant for Mom. As Norman attempts to solve this mystery, Emma notices something strange about Gilda.
As Norman confronts the traitor, Emma and Gilda are keeping a watchful eye on Mom, and discover that she disappears somewhere, every night at eight o'clock.
The children continue formulating their escape plan and make a discovery in the library; Don and Gilda try to sneak into a secret room.
Sumire Morohoshi
Maaya Uchida
Mariya Ise
Yūko Kaida
Mom Isabella
Nao Fujita
Sister Krone