Watch what happens when two explorers team up to learn about climate change by crossing the world's 20 largest glaciers. Explorers Vincent Colliard and Borge Ousland may face super-cold conditions and find themselves in the path of danger on this 10-year journey, but they also find the time to make music along the way.
Nomads constantly travel to find pasture for their animals. National Geographic host Chris Bashinelli spent one month with nomads in Mongolia to find out how nomadic culture is adapting to an ever-changing and modernizing world. Find out what he learned—and if he rode a horse—in this episode of "Best Job Ever."
What's it like to hop in a submarine and dive a thousand feet underwater to an unexplored region of the Galápagos Islands? Marine conservationist and National Geographic explorer Jessica Cramp takes us on a journey to find out.
National Geographic photographer Carlton Ward encounters alligators, manatees, and rattlesnakes on his 1,000-mile, 70-day trek to protect Florida’s hidden wilderness. Find out how he photographs animals in this episode of "Best Job Ever."
Chinstrap penguins might be cute, but wildlife biologist Douglas Krause knows that they like to cause mischief. Find out just how naughty some penguins can be to each other in this episode of "Best Job Ever".
Thousands of beluga whales gather in Canada's Cunningham Inlet each summer for what National Geographic explorer and nature photographer Nansen Weber calls "a big beluga party." Using a drone, Weber captures the view from above.