Nikki and Gala open the great annual race of the jungle; there are two teams: Morko and Guga, and Mali and Tulú.
The great jungle race continues, continue the search and to get the last shell and break the tie they have to go to the Totem.
When Silas and the Luminosos are having a light parade and they forget to hand out the invitations, Morko and Mali offer to do it; however, the task is not so simple: the invitation needs to be delivered to Tulú and he does not appear.
Guga needs five feathers to make a necklace, and Morko and Mali offer to find them.
Morko, Mali and Suma organize a surprise birthday party for Tulú's birthday. When no one congratulates him, Tulú gets upset and wants to take revenge.
It's Friends of the Jungle Day and Tuti has to give Mali a present, but she's afraid she won't be able to give her something nice; she asks the others for help to assemble the gift and decides to make her a tiara, for which she needs six stones.
Tomás Ottaviano
Agustina Vera
Daiana Traversa Farías
Leandro Casas Silva
Flor Diácono