A surprise visitor throws life in the post-apocalyptic settlement of Whitechapel into chaos, heralding the return of Mark, the exiled former leader of the FreakAngels.
Freed of Mark's psychic control, newcomer Alice helps the FreakAngels; they defend Whitechapel against the biggest raid they've ever faced and earns herself a place among them.
Moved to protect a group of desperate refugees, Connor and the other FreakAngels stretch Whitechapel's resources to the breaking point; Arkady suffers haunting visions of a ghastly murder within the settlement.
In response to the growing unrest in Whitechapel, Connor motivates FreakAngels and citizens alike to rebuild the settlement to be better than ever; their goodwill efforts are threatened by a group of saboteurs controled by Mark.
Afraid of losing the trust of Alice and the other citizens of Whitechapel, Connor makes a desperate attempt to regain their trust; he reveals the FreakAngels darkest secret to Alice.
When it becomes evident that Luke is responsible for the murder of a citizen, the conflict causes divides within the group; Alice struggles to decide whether or not to reveal the FreakAngels' secret; Arkady's psychic visions become more unsettling.
Marsha Thomason
Julie Nathanson
Tru Valentino
Nazneen Contractor
Christian Lees