Single, Married, Divorced
Disponível em Prime Video
Single, Married, and Divorced is contemporary take on the romantic comedy that examines four successful single women approaching their 40s in modern-day Beirut, Lebanon. Yasmina, Taleen, Layan, and Zina are smart, funny, and talented, and yet all they hear is endless grief from their families for focusing on career over marriage, and love over duty. Yasmina, the best make-up artist in Lebanon, travels the Middle East to create “fabulous” looks for singers, actors, and brides, squeezing in time to see her Egyptian boyfriend on available weekends for romantic dinners in fancy hotels. Taleen, owns her own art gallery in Beirut and has no interest in settling down with one man. Layan, a well-known fashion designer, falls in love with a married man who promises to leave his family when the time is right. Finally, there is the hopeless romantic Zina, a beautiful and brilliant doctor who waits impatiently for Prince Charming to arrive on his white horse. Single, Married, and Divorced celebrates female friendships and proves that true love is worth the wait.
Com Nadu Abou Farhat, Darine Hamze, Julia Kassar
Realização Elie Khalifé