A new chief shakes things up at Firehouse 51. Violet and Novak work to uncover the truth behind a car crash. Cruz keeps a watchful eye on Severide and Damon’s growing bond.
Chicago's first responders unite in the wake of a catastrophic gas explosion and fire that threaten a city government building. Herrmann reluctantly shadows Pascal while Violet, Novak and Dr. Frost take charge of triage efforts on site.
After a daring rescue at an adventure park, Kidd asks Severide to create a ropes course for Girls on Fire. Violet's former nemesis returns, pleading for her help. Herrmann creates a signature cocktail for Molly's.
Following the subway tunnel collapse, Ruzek and Kidd treat injured passengers and track down the missing offender. Archer and Frost perform a life-saving amputation. Lenox feels the weight of the CPD's hopes as she fights to save one of their own.
The team responds to a crisis at a community center. Severide is forced to investigate one of his own Squad members. Kidd helps a teacher going through a post-incident spin-out.