Ever Again
Narrated and directed by Academy Award winners Kevin Costner and Richard Trank, the investigatory documentary Ever Again seeks to examine the nature of resurgent anti-semitic violence in the 21st Century, specifically in Western Europe. Trank's crew of researchers conduct interviews on city streets and with prominent scholars, activists, and politicians to uncover how anti-Semitic feelings have proliferated on both right and left ends of the political spectrum. Undercover recordings take a harrowing look at the re-emerging skinhead scene in Berlin. The project began in 2004, but the filmmakers returned to Europe immediately following the 2005 London Bombings. Ever Again takes a hard look at the anti-Semitic violence committed by Islamic extremists while spotlighting Muslim moderates who struggle within their communities to bring greater peace and understanding. Though the Holocaust may be decades behind us, the truths caught here on film reveal how philosophies of violence and hate have continued to manifest in personal attacks, Synagogue bombings, and vandalism. A documentary of our time, Ever Again examines anti-Semitic violence while opening a dialogue for real peace.
I rollerna Kevin Costner
Regissör Richard Trank