An exploration of the milestones of World War II, beginning with the events that led to one of the most terrifying wars in history.
An insight into the first years on Europe's battlefield, from the invasion of France and evacuation of Dunkirk.
Japan's strike on Pearl Harbor comes under the spotlight, along with the Battle of Midway, Rommel's offensives in Africa and the Fall of Singapore.
The tide starts to turn as Japan loses its grip on Southeast Asia, the Nazis suffer further defeats in Europe and the Soviets take back Stalingrad.
As the Allies push back, the siege on Leningrad is lifted, Paris is liberated and the world discovers the horrors of Hitler's concentration camps.
The Battle of the Bulge, the Fall of Berlin, Hiroshima and Nagasaki deliver the final milestone moments of the war. Then, the Nuremberg trials begin.
Jane Barrett