Available on Disney+
Under the flyovers of Sham Shui Po in Hong Kong live a group of down-and-outs. Despised by local residents, they are regularly forced to move due to the city’s redevelopment projects. One winter night, the authorities clear all their personal belongings while they are sleeping. Sick of being evicted, Fai and his companion decide to build wooden fences around their living space. Meanwhile, Ms. Ho, a young social worker, helps them take to court to demand compensation for their losses. 輝哥剛出獄,回到烏煙瘴氣的深水埗街角,與越南難⺠老爺、洗碗工陳妹、毒癮極深的大勝、半身不遂的阿蘭等街友們再次重遇。出冊當晚遇上食環署人員突擊掃蕩,輝哥與街友們的家當盡失,剛畢業的社工何姑娘替眾人打官司申請索償,並要求政府道歉。輝哥與街友們在另覓居所時,認識了一個口齒不清的年輕街友木仔,眾人合力搭建小木屋群來相依為命。天橋底下畢竟是個龍蛇混雜的地方,街友們看似平靜又透明的生活被打破,一次意外更令眾人被迫四散。在公義和賠償來臨之前,又有多少街友能捱過寒冬?
Starring Francis Ng, Tse Kwan Ho, Loletta Lee
Director Jun Li