Dog keeps dropping while out on walks; pet skunk always gets what she wants; too much catnip for cat; dog gets into the toaster oven; dog breaks out of backyard repeatedly.
Dog's intelligence is in question; bulldog has "mine" complex; clepto-cat; dog raids kitchen and eats candy; squirrel befriends dog.
Cooper the Labrador loves ice cream so much that his hometown has a flavor named after him; half Westie/ half Corgi, Teddy gets stuck in soda cartons; Nora the cat is a piano playing internet sensation; Santos, the potty-mouthed rapping parrot.
Pet monkey becomes a nosy Nancy; dog commits breaking and entering...into the pantry; king of the castle is a cat; can't take your eyes off a dancing dog; owner watches his dog eat the furniture via video monitor from work.
A dog so unbelievably spoiled that he has his own wing of the house; dog breaks into fridges for food; skateboarding cat at the beach; mini pig stealing food; dog interferes in its owner's house cleaning.
Australian shepherd Jonsie is a master escape artist that can open doors, jump fences and scale surfaces; goldendoodle Charlie loves popsicles out of the ice-cream truck; orange tabby Boo is always hungry; Pipkin the rabbit makes messes with food.
Eric De Picciotto
Cheri Brownlee
John Johnston
Steve Ligerman