Ambushed by tropical storms, the survivalists are pounded by torrential rain and heavy surf; survivalists are stalked by sharks after taking to the open seas; one survivalist reaches his or her breaking point due to the storms and lack of food.
Since the open sea is too dangerous to navigate, survivalists trek through a jungle filled with venomous centipedes, vipers and monitor lizards.
A primitive blade challenge on day one sends a pair of competitors home; survivalists learn that sharing is not allowed in this competition; racing to retrieve bows cached in a 30-foot tree.
Twelve brave souls take on their first XL challenge in the Colombian Badlands; survivalists must battle disease-carrying insects, scorching heat, six-foot caiman and stalking jaguars; they must trek 40 miles in 40 days.
Sam gets a tick bite in the worst spot imaginable; Terra encourages Lynsey to quit; desperate for protection, Adam and Heather start a shelter rebuild; Malorie stalks a massive caiman; The Badlands send a survivalist home.