The fate of the missing McStay family remains a mystery for three years until their bodies surface in two shallow graves in the desert; prosecutors accuse Chase Merritt of the crime, and the trial begins with each side presenting their case.
A bombshell witness upends the Merritt murder trial, claiming someone else confessed to the McStay murders; Merritt's girlfriend gives him an alibi, but the prosecution attempts to discredit her on the witness stand.
Police investigate other suspects, including a business associate taking money, an ex-boyfriend still in love with Summer McStay and a new husband with a violent past; footage of a truck leaving the McStay house may reveal the killer.
Merritt's phone pings close to the desert graves, and authorities speculate about whether he buried the bodies; prosecutors suggest he tried to delete records to cover his tracks; defense attorney takes a sudden leave of absence.
New DNA discovered in the graves may reveal who murdered the McStays; the defense questions Joseph's brother on his alibi, and they cannot locate the suspect they believe may have ties to the killings.
If Merritt testifies, the jurors will learn about his criminal past; the defense and prosecution present their final arguments with closing statements, and it's now up to the jury to determine guilt or innocence.
Adam Bemis
Gina Watson
Tony Azzaro
Michael McStay
Justin Lee Stanley