For Love Or Money
Bachelor Rob Campos
S1 E5:
Erin, Kelly and Paige had the big old mansion to themselves and anxiously awaited their next dates with Rob. What they didn't know was that Rob now knew their million-dollar secret. Rob was also in for another surprise. Jordan told Rob that if he could convince the winning woman to choose him over the cash, Rob would be rewarded with a million dollars himself. Rob was skeptical, but liked the chance to get both the love and the money. However, if the girl chose the cash, Rob would leave with neither love nor money. Confused? That's okay, things are about to get cleared up. Rob told Jordan that if he was money-oriented he never would've become a public defender. Bottom line, Rob wants to wind up with the girl he thinks is right for him. But on the other hand, maybe he should try for the girl that likes him the best in order to secure the cash. Jordan left Rob to ponder his strategy. It seemed illogical to Rob that a girl who'd only gone out with him four times would pick him over a mill