Bottleneck Bear; Sitter Jitters; Flychiatry

Bottleneck Bear; Sitter Jitters; Flychiatry

Available on Tubi TV
"Bottleneck Bear" Tex is on his way to visit Chastity when a big grouchy Grizzly refuses to let him pass. What follows is classic try-fail effort by Tex who enlists every ounce of his spirited resource including a Goldilocks disguise and the Bear Union to successfully get by the mean critter. / "Sitter Jitters" When Mooch discovers that the Squabs are going out for dinner and leaving little Maurice with a baby sitter he waylays the poor old cow, puts her dress on and pretends to be the sitter. But when Mooch tries to nab Maurice, who's watching a war movie on TV, the little chicken thinks his new sitter wants to play war. So Maurice turns on the firepower and the fun begins. / "Flychiatry" Amanda's mind finally snaps from the strain of her constant battles with Freddy. Months of therapy finally convince her that Freddy is just a figment of her imagination! Returning from the nuthouse, Amanda's increasingly desperate attempts to deny Freddy's existence escalate into a frantic ballet of self-inflicted pain.