Cat Scratch Fervor; Say Goodnight Freddy; Quiet Please

Cat Scratch Fervor; Say Goodnight Freddy; Quiet Please

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"Cat Scratch Fervor" While rescuing a local mouse, a bad local alley cat sees Power Pooch chewing his Power Slipper. The cat sneaks into Power Pooch's home, steals the Power Show and becomes... Super Bad Cat, enslaving both Power Pooch and Little Buddy. Trouble escalates when LB manages to steal back the Power Slipper. Both PP and Bad Cat grow to enormous proportions in a Clash of the Titans! / "Say Goodnight Freddy" Amanda has a big photo session tomorrow morning (the cover of "Rich and Available"), and she needs her "beauty" sleep. But she makes the mistake of annoying Freddy, so he has fun keeping her awake all night! / "Quiet Please" Poor Dan. All he really wanted was a good nights rest. Unfortunately for him, Pompeii Pete stars as his ever-attentive bellman. In Dan's quest for sleep, he gets his luggage chopped up, stuffed into a can, thrown out a window, mummified and finally taken away to the loony bin!