

Available on Disney+, Hulu
S3 E1: Following his son Connor's tragic death and Uncle Teddy's conviction for murdering the drunk driver who killed him, Tommy continues fighting against his own perilous downward spiral. If his ongoing battle with alcoholism wasn't enough, he must also care for his increasingly difficult father while facing Janet's determination to get a divorce. And on top of it all, when word comes down that smoking has been banned at all the city's firehouses, Jerry's challenge to see who can go the longest without a cigarette forces Tommy to forego the one vice that he has left. After finding condoms in her son's drawer, Sheila asks Tommy to talk to Damien. When he finally does broach the uncomfortable topic, Tommy is stunned to discover that his godson is having sex with his thirty-eight-year-old high school science teacher. But when Tommy tries to ask her to stop, Ms. Turbody refuses to discuss the matter at school as she makes it clear that she knows all about him and his problems. Meanwhile, as Jerry faces an unexpected price increase for his ailing wife's nursing home care, Lou stumbles onto a porn film starring Candy, the con artist who left him broke. As the bet to see who can stop smoking takes its toll on everyone at 62 Truck, Tommy gets word that Janet is ready to settle their divorce. And though he's not sure how he can come up with the money, he agrees to her terms. As one by one the firefighters give in to the urge to have a cigarette, Tommy asks Teddy to make a deal with the D.A., only to discover that his uncle has no remorse for what he did. And after the news that Janet has started seeing someone else pushes him closer to the edge, Tommy finally snaps at the scene of a fire after failing to revive a young girl he tried to rescue.
Starring Denis Leary, James McCaffrey, Andrea Roth
Director Peter Tolan