Dr. Bellows Goes Sane

Dr. Bellows Goes Sane

S4 E11: Dr. Bellows sends General Peterson a report noting every strange incident in Tony's career. Incredulous, Peterson feels that Bellows has lost his mind. He orders Dr. Corbett, a young psychiatrist, to take over Dr. Bellows' post. Tony is worried that Corbett, adept at using every new method, will learn the truth. Tony appeals to Jeannie for help to prove that Bellows is sane. Everything they do only convinces Gen. Peterson that he's been right about Bellows. Trying once more, Tony has Jeannie become Dr. Corbett's secretary, with instructions to drive him crazy. When everything they do fails, Tony tells Jeannie to make a bear appear in Corbett 's office. Tony uses Corbett's hypno disc to put the doctor into a trance. When the bear picks him up, Corbett is sure it's Tony. Hypnotized, the psychiatrist tells Peterson that the bear is Tony acting out a childhood fantasy. Sure that Corbett is not too sane, Peterson reassigns Tony to Dr. Bellows' care. Corbett tells Dr. Bellows his version of the incident. Tony and Roger start worrying when the two psychiatrists begin comparing notes.
Starring Barton MacLane, Paul Vaughn, Joe Flynn