Each Dawn I Diet

Each Dawn I Diet

Available on Tubi TV
S3 E4: Because he wants to take Gloria Hickey to a swimming party, Danny suddenly becomes self-conscious about being overweight. At the end of his first week of dieting, not only has he not lost any weight, he has gained four pounds -- he could not resist the temptation of a few candy bars and tacos, just as "energy food." In order to shame Danny into continuing his effort, Reuben tells him that he is too young to have enough willpower to diet. But his plan backfires as Danny challenges him to a contest that involves Reuben's breaking the cigarette habit for as long as Danny diets. While Reuben is feeling withdrawal symptoms, Danny's fantasizing about chocolate cake. Shirley decides that both Danny and Reuben should turn to the other members of the family at any time for added incentive if they feel themselves giving in to temptation. This plan fails miserably because no one is getting any sleep, and Shirley's new tactic is to present Danny with a bowl of chocolates and Reuben with a pack of cigarettes. From now on they are on their own. A few weeks later, Reuben proudly announces that he didn't have one cigarette at the party he has just returned from and Danny informs his family that he has been awarded a trophy which reads: "Best Body -- Gloria Hickey's First Annual Swimming Party Competition."