Geneva and Kyle

Geneva and Kyle

S1 E3: Geneva and Kyle are 18 years-old, redneck, and in love. Deep in the Appalachian Mountains of Tennessee, this worry-free couple chose the public golf course with its busy driving range for their "chapel." Fearing neither flying golf balls nor Geneva's "traditional" parents, they're goin' whole hog with all the fixins - pork rinds, ground souse meat, and pickled pig's feet. Attire is camo for all the guests. A tractor brings in the bride. That is, if the groom survives his own bachelor party - a full on bottle rocket war, where the fireworks are aimed at each other! Somehow, these two are set on showing their friends and family that they're young and fun but their marriage is the real deal, with a beautiful country-themed wedding in the great outdoors.