Hail to the Chump / A Fool for Sister Sara / Days of Blunder

Hail to the Chump / A Fool for Sister Sara / Days of Blunder

S3 E2: "Hail to the Chump" - When the entire town comes down with food poisoning at an annual picnic, Johnny is handed the reins of mayoral power and goes mad with power. "A Fool For Sister Sara" - When a batch of cheap cologne causes Johnny to forget his identity, he ends up in a mission led by the kindly Sister Sara. In an effort to impress her, Johnny tries to be "nice," with disastrous results. "Days of Blunder" - Carl cajoles Johnny into entering an auto race in a souped-up dragster, which Carl secretly controls using a joystick. When the joystick short-circuits, Johnny has to try to win the race for real.