Haunted Hospital

Haunted Hospital

Available on Pluto TV, Philo, Tubi TV, Disney+, Hulu, Sling TV, A&E
S13 E6: Deep in the woods of Illinois, stands a hospital that’s frozen in time. Originally built in 1857 to treat ailing and injured steamboat crewmen, the Galena Marine Hospital has seen countless deaths. After the start of the Civil War, the hospital saw even more deaths as it became a safe haven for wounded soldiers. However, after its closing in 1866, much of the hospital’s history became a mystery. The building has sat atop a wooded hill virtually abandoned for decades until its current owner, Frank, decided to purchase it. Since that time Frank has discovered distressing paranormal activity in the former hospital. Moans and wails of pain fill the silence, leading Frank to wonder: are the entities still suffering from their injuries or are they trying to warn of possible danger? Looking to find comfort in his home, Frank calls upon the Ghost Hunters for help. The team travels to Galena, Illinois to meet with Frank and several witnesses. After hearing claims of heavy footsteps, six-foot shadow figures, and light anomalies, the team heads in to investigate the abandoned building. Kristen and Richel have a heart-stopping experience as they feel something, or someone, is following them. And while Daryl and Mustafa bring a former steamboat captain into the building as a trigger object, Brian and Brandon capture an unexplainable image on the thermal camera. It’s an active night of investigating as the Ghost Hunters search for answers to help the hospital’s owner as well as entities that reside inside.