In the Beginning

In the Beginning

S1 E1: In the timeless, mythical world of Sarmoti, all real magic has been stolen. Powerful god-like beings, from a mysterious realm known as Endland, have usurped the magical powers of Sarmoti's fairies, witches, giants, wizards and enchanted creatures of all kinds. Left to rely on mortal devices and vices to survive, these once-magical beings cling to the hope that one day mystic powers will somehow be returned to their now dying world. Into this gloomy picture arrive two traveling heroes with divergent personalities and private agendas. Siegfried is a showman who performs stage illusions for profit. Along with his "roadie" sidekick, Rumpelstiltskin, he is not above chicanery, con games and even minor petty thievery to keep a few gold coins in his pockets. Through a series of exciting accidents, Siegfried befriends a mysterious traveler, Roy, whose once-mystical white Tiger, Manticore, is wanted by the local king for whatever magic, if any, it might still possess. Our heroes are on the run and are eventually trapped by the king (Midas) who instructs them, upon the threat of death, to use any power, real or staged, at their disposal, in order to open the dangerous Oracle of Phyrigia, from which he hopes to gain the ultimate powers legend says exists therein. No one is more surprised than Siegfried and Roy themselves when they succeed, and inadvertently unleash the horrible powers once trapped there by the Titans: powers so awesome, even the gods didn't want to tinker with them. As the episode reaches its dramatic climax, Siegfried and Roy are banished into the perpetual flames of the Cave of No Return for their miscalculations, while the shrieking entities of Pride, Greed, Envy, and Power ravage the Kingdom of Phyrigia.