Just Your Average Dick

Just Your Average Dick

S3 E22: Dick and Mary are invited to a reception for a new professor, and Mary asks Dick to try not to act so weird. Mary says that Dick and his family are the Addams Family. Dick asks August if he seems weird to her, and when she answers in the affirmative, he goes ballistic. Dick tells the other aliens that its obvious that. They're not fitting in; from now on they have to be statistically average. They decide that their apartment is too quirky, and they inform Mrs. Dubcek that theyre moving. They find a completely neutral, boring apartment complex with a tenants association that forces everyone into submission. The Solomons become consumers of every bland, homogenized product imaginable, and Sally attends a tenants meeting and loves the idea of being an enforcer. Dr. Neesam, the new professor, wanders into Dicks and Marys office in search of the cafeteria, and Mary finds him charmingly eccentric; Dick thinks hes just weird. Later, Dick complains to Harry and Tommy that Mary has cancelled their trip to Starbucks, and Harry observes that theres nothing distinctive or remarkable about Dick anymore. They all try to pretend that theyre perfectly happy with their average lifestyle, but then all admit that even though they became average for the sake of the mission, they're miserable. Dick informs everyone that theyre moving back to their old apartment; everyones elated except Sally who wants to stay, but she comments later that people who aren't weird are so weird.
Starring John Cleese