Keep Your Friends Close

Keep Your Friends Close

S4 E7: Ellen is possessed by the Entity, and through her this enemy is determined to destroy the Elementals, their world and the entire multiverse. The only option for the Gang is to try and destroy this dark force, but first they must separate it from their friend. As they search for the right spell to take the enemy on, Ben and Luke uncover a link between the black slime specimen that Zeb had been studying and the same strange substance discovered in Ellen's house. Armed with a plan, the Gang draw the dark force into a trap. Intent on separating it from Ellen, they are faced with a bigger problem, as the nematodes attack and the Entity jumps between them. Accusations and suspicions fly, until they find a way to outsmart this enemy. Finally, the Gang realise they may have gotten Zeb, the stranger all wrong. To find out the truth they need to travel to Negative Space.