

Available on Disney+, Hulu
S4 E10: Casey and Evan are hired as Professor Segal‘s research assistants. However, their first case is to help the University tear down the KT‘s condemned house. Calvin decides to choose accounting as his major. Rusty takes over as KT President while Cappie studies for finals. Casey tells the KT‘s that their house is being bought out by Lasker Parkes, the alum who had just promised to buy it for the KT‘s and pledge Spidey‘s father. Rusty concludes Lasker had been sabotaging them the entire time. The KTs decide to remind Lasker of what KT brotherhood truly means. The whole crew breaks into his office building to recover his old KT memorabilia. Cappie tells Casey that he will be graduating this semester. Dale starts dating Laura. The KT‘s organize a protest and Rusty tries convince Lasker of the importance of the KT house, but the house is bulldozed anyway. Rusty and Ashleigh confess their feelings to each other and begin dating with Casey‘s blessing. Given recent events, Casey decides to quit law school and move to Washington D.C. anyway, Cappie agrees to go with her. Cappie graduates and passes the KT presidency to Rusty. Dale and Calvin find the KT‘s a new house. Cappie and Evan reconcile. The ZBZ‘s win the best chapter in the nation award. Rebecca and Evan potentially get back together. Cappie and Casey pack up and move away from CRU.
Starring Jonathan Silverman, Nora Kirkpatrick, Aaron Hill