Les Savy Fav

Les Savy Fav

Available on AMC+, Philo, Prime Video, Sling TV
S1 E3: During their days on the road, one meal continued to elude Les Savy Fav, year after year, tour after tour. Legend had it that the best Jerk Chicken in the country was served only on Sunday nights in Baltimore. Despite careful planning and much anguish, the band could never plan their Baltimore stop on the right night or bring them selves to cancel a date in a different city. Unfortunately the restaurant closed down before the band ever had a chance to tastes its wares. In honor of their loss, Sam will be cooking Les Savy Pheasant (Jerk Pheasant) with a side order of Mason Mofongo (fried green plantains or fried yuca, seasoned with garlic, olive oil and pork cracklings, then mashed). To wash it all down, Sam will be whipping up Bahamian inspired Rum punch with Akee. Les Savy Fav take the stage to perform "Yawn, Yawn, Yawn" and "Bringing Us Down."