Mother Angel

Mother Angel

S3 E10: Poor little rich girl Samantha Courtney breaks into the greenhouse of her aunt's ex-lover Victor Buckley to feed hamburger to his Venus FlyTrap. Unwittingly she happens upon a murder. Young Sam goes to the Angels for help. Boss Charlie is an old and dear friend of Aunt Charlotte. Going on clues from Sam, Jill searches for a large corpse and a car with Massachusetts plates. Danger is close at her heels in the form of thugs Max and Richie. Sabrina, posing as an Irish maid, searches Buckley's apartment. Kelly stops by in the guise of a snooty horticulture enthusiast. The car, located in a junkyard, is traced to bounty hunter Tommy Robbins, and Buckley is identified as an arch felon. Sam again breaks into Buckley's pad and narrowly escapes the suspicious horticulturist. Sam and new friend Jill hide out, but are captured and imprisoned on Buckley's yacht. Sam slips through a narrow opening and then picks a lock to release Jill. Max, Richie, and Buckley pursue them. Puzzling over the missing corpse, Sabrina remembers a photo of Buckley's boat and initiates a search of the marina. In a wild melee, Jill and Samantha are rescue.
Starring Farrah Fawcett, Gary Collins, Roy Jenson