Peace & Quiet

Peace & Quiet

S17 E105: Caitlin is a big, fast passenger engine from the mainland. When the Vicarstown Bridge is closed for repairs Caitlin can’t get back and has to spend the night on the Island of Sodor, but she is so excited she keeps waking the other engines up. They try sending her off to pull the Mail Train and the Flying Kipper, but Caitlin is so excited that now she wakes everyone else up on the island. In the morning however, the bridge is re-opened and it is Caitlin who is the most tired of all. Luke is the smallest narrow gauge engine on the island of Sodor. One day, up at the Blue Mountain Quarry he finds a nervous and scared young deer. The other narrow gauge engines warn Luke that the quarry is no place for an animal, but Luke remembers when he first arrived and how he was nervous and scared. He wants to help the young deer so he tries to get the other engines to work quietly. That is not an easy thing to do in a big noisy quarry and after one accident too many the other engines finally convince Luke that the best place for the deer is in the grounds of Ulfstead Castle.