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S3 E3: Much to Jackie's surprise, Kevin's younger sister, Tunie, shows up in the girls' bedroom, freshly hungover and tragically heartbroken after being dumped by her pilot boyfriend. On their way to work, Jackie tells Eddie she thinks Kevin installed Tunie to monitor her in the wake of his intervention. Lenny prepares Zoey a romantic picnic lunch only to crack her tooth when she bites into a sandwich where he's hidden his house key. Zoey talks things over with God, who's set up a makeshift piano bar in the ambulance bay. At the hospital, a Jewish Orthodox husband fights with his in-laws to have his critically injured wife moved to Beth Israel for a necessary operation. Later, bedlam ensues in the ER when two street meat vendors are brought in after a comically brutal turf war. Meanwhile, Akalitus goes nose-to-nose with a bureaucrat from the Catholic Church sent to de-consecrate All Saints' chapel and remove and relocate all its statues to a Staten Island storage facility. Jackie clocks out and heads to Kevin's bar, where he informs her Tunie will be staying with them for a few weeks. Jackie absorbs the news, and then pastes on her best smile and tells Kevin she saw his good buddy Eddie at work today.
Starring Jaimie Alexander, Michael Buscemi