

Available on Disney+, Hulu
S2 E9: Although he and Janet have agreed to try and reconcile their differences, Tommy is still surprised at her sexually playful attitude. So, after Lou suggests that Janet may be on antidepressants, Tommy sneaks a look inside her purse during a family dinner at his dad's apartment and finds the pills that are responsible for her improved attitude. Although he wants to undo the damage his loose talk has caused, Sean's efforts to patch things up between Laura and Franco only make matters worse. So, desperate to regain Laura's trust, Franco asks Lou to help him out by writing a poem. Meanwhile, in the wake of Steven Reilly's birthday party, the suspicion at 62 Truck is that Mike is gay. And after Lou defends her when she's accosted on the street by a former customer, Candy invites him up to her apartment, only to have him balk at staying overnight. As the police start turning up the heat in advance of their annual hockey game against the fire department, Tommy learns that Janet has started looking for an apartment where they live together as a family again. However, when Tommy looks to get some of the same medication Janet is taking, his doctor refuses to help him out. As Mike admits that he has started hanging around gay men as a way to meet women, Tommy fails miserably to use the church confessional to repent, so he turns his energies towards trying to make things right by helping out at the firehouse. After it's found that the poems to Laura that Franco thought were written by Lou were actually Tommy's work, everyone is stunned. When this new and improved Tommy Gavin miraculously survives a fall during a fire at an abandoned warehouse, Franco asks him to write another poem for Laura when Lou's efforts fall short. And when pressed by Lou about what's going on, Tommy admits that the drugs he's been stealing from Janet have transformed him into a new man. However, his teammates are less than pleased when, during their game against the cops, the medication dilutes Tommy's killer instinct.
Starring Denis Leary, James McCaffrey, Andrea Roth
Director Jefery Levy