U.F.Ohh! Jeannie

U.F.Ohh! Jeannie

S4 E1: Tony and Roger land an experimental plane resembling a flying saucer in a field and are taken for Martians by a family of hillbillies. Forced to milk a cow, Tony squirts them with milk. He tries to escape with Roger but they trip and are hung up in the smokehouse. Jeannie appears with a picnic lunch and Clem, the teenage son, makes advances, mountain style. He demands a bear hug and finds a bear in his arms. Although inclined to shoot Tony and Roger before they tell revenue agents about their still, the hillbillies agree to phone NASA in the hope of a reward. Maw finds Clem suspended from a moose head and thinks Jeannie is a Martian, too. Paw prepares to shoot but Jeannie turns the gun to taffy. As she begins to blink out Tony and Roger, Paw knocks her out and hangs up all three with the hams again. Attracted to Roger, Daisy Lou frees them. Tony and Roger revive Jeannie with a drink from a bucket. Although giggling drunk on moonshine whiskey, Jeannie pops them to safety. While the hillbillies claim their reward, Dr. Bellows gapes as Tony and Roger, looking like Martians, emerge from the place. Back at the base, Gen. Charles orders Dr. Bellows to pull himself together as the astronauts, normal again, appear. Jeannie, in miniature, enjoys the situation.
Starring J. Pat O'Malley, Kathleen Freeman, William Bassett