Skippy and the Pretenders

Skippy and the Pretenders

S1 E29: Pretending you are something you are not can get you into trouble. Derek, an asthmatic boy from the city comes to Habitat for a weekend visit. He hates telling other kids that he has asthma, because they always treat him differently when they find out. Lou, meanwhile, has her heart set on going to a party that is being given by the most popular girl in the school. She convinces Sonny to let her get a new dress that is completely different from what she would normally buy. Derek and Jerry go off camping and Lou goes to her party. Lou comes home early upset because the girls hated her dress and made fun of her all day. She decides to join the boys on their camping trip. Derek is almost discovered by Jerry using his inhaler, and to avoid detection, throws it into the bush where it goes down a snake hole. Shortly after Lou finds the boys Derek has an attack and tells the kids what he has done. W!ith Skippy’s help they find where the inhaler is and are able to retrieve it when Lou bravely puts her hand into the hole. That night at the campfire, both Lou and Derek decide they have both been foolish trying to pretend they are someone they aren’t.
Starring Andrew Clarke, Kate McNeil, Fiona Shannon
Director Bill Hughes