Stupid Holiday Charity Talent Show

Stupid Holiday Charity Talent Show

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S4 E8: Following the lighting of the company Christmas tree, Jimmy is prepared to give Matthew his job back under two conditions. First, the staff must agree to clean up after him. And second, in order to keep from losing a big bet to media mogul Ted Turner, someone has to win the New York Corporate Charity Talent Show. But when Dave agrees to tap dance for Matthew's sake, Jimmy refuses to allow him to do the act. Meanwhile, as Bill lobbies to hire an attractive replacement for Catherine, Dave warns Lisa about revealing secrets about him that she learned during their relationship. As a result of her intimate knowledge of Dave, Lisa knows of another talent that could win the show and get Matthew re-hired. Yet, when pressed by Lisa, Dave refuses to either divulge his hidden talent or perform it in public. But after watching everyone else trying to get their acts together for the show, Dave realizes that he's Matthew's only hope and agrees to perform his knife throwing act. With Lisa as his assistant, Dave arrives at the show only to find his old knife throwing nemesis, Throwdini. And recalling an incident from their past, he suffers a lapse of confidence that causes him to drop out of the show. So Beth steps in to do her cabaret act with Bill at the piano. But after she bombs and Jimmy is certain he's lost, Matthew and his ventriloquist's dummy use the opportunity to explain his predicament, winning the audience's sympathy, their votes and, ultimately, his job.
Starring Kevin McDonald, Tom Parks