The Alan Brady Show

The Alan Brady Show

S3 E16: Upon completing his new documentary on the history of television, Paul is excited when legendary TV comic Alan Brady agrees to narrate. Arriving at home with the good news, he is disappointed to find Jamie is going to be late for a dinner to secure the deal with Alan. Yet, after Paul gets off to a rocky start with the irascible comedian, Jamie's arrival at the restaurant seems to salvage the evening. Meanwhile, with her father away at a butcher's convention, Jamie must entertain her mother during her frequent trips into the city. As he presses his editor Sid about why Alan is so mean all the time, Paul is surprised to find that the comedian is unhappy with how little time the film devotes to his TV career. As a result, Alan refuses to do the narration unless Paul revises the film. Paul then tries to come up with another narrator, but soon discovers that most of his choices have passed away. Meanwhile, after a tense lunch with her mom and sister, Jamie tries to explain just how bad a day she had. But Paul is too preoccupied with his latest discovery -- an old episode of "The Alan Brady Show" which featured his mother-in-law Theresa in one of the comic's skits. With her daughters surprised by the tape, Theresa says she must have forgotten to mention her brief stint in television. And, when she reveals that her sister Lolly was actually Alan's girlfriend, Paul gets an idea. After Aunt Lolly notes that she often used jealousy to keep him in line, Paul invites Alan for dinner to make one last pitch for his film. Enlisting Jamie and Sid in the effort, Paul says he has already hired rival comedian Sid Caesar to do the narration instead. And just as Aunt Lolly predicted, Alan suddenly changes his mind and finally agrees to do the film himself.
Starring Carl Reiner, Meg Wyllie, Penny Fuller