The Lucky Cat

The Lucky Cat

S3 E3: "The Lucky Cat" involves the "Man of Steel" in an exciting drama which calls into play all his remarkable abilities: X ray vision, swift flight, and superhuman strength and agility. The doings of the Anti Superstition Society and the strange behavior of Mr. Botts, owner of an eerie, isolated, old house in which the club meets, attract the attention of Daily Planet reporters, who smell a story. When it becomes apparent that an attempt is being made to injure certain members of the Society who flaunt their con-tempt for commonly held superstitions, suspicion points to Mr. Botts. Superman saves members from injury when the house's underpinnings are sawed through and rescues Charlie King when his munitions factory is set afire. Although the police are stumped and inclined to blame Mr. Botts, Superman ingeniously traps Charlie King into confessing his guilt. The cat helps Superman prove his case.
Starring Harry Tyler, Ted Stanhope, Charles Watts