Troll's BFF/Sunset Towers

Troll's BFF/Sunset Towers

S1 E9: After destroying a package that Troll really wanted to use, Dan makes it up to him by giving him what he thinks is a useless stuffed panda. Once the panda comes to life and becomes Troll’s new BFF, however, Dan turns into a jealous mess. At least until he discovers the panda also doubles as a hypnotising evil assassin for Copernicus./Amanda believes an old age home is a hotbed of alien activity and Dan becomes convinced she’s right when his discovers that his senior citizen nemesis, Old Man Graylien, lives there. When the trio investigate, they find Copernicus is dating one of the residents in order to gain access to the roof where he’s installed a giant anti-matter cannon. Dan uses an alien rubberizing package to bounce him and Amanda up to the roof to stop Copernicus and exact revenge on Graylien at the same time.