The Great Bunny Book Ban / Enter the Chipmunk / Frankenbravo

The Great Bunny Book Ban / Enter the Chipmunk / Frankenbravo

S3 E21: "The Great Bunny Book Ban" Suzy's favorite children's book, "Harold and the Fuzzy Bunny" is banned by the town's richest citizen, Festus Blowhard, so she gets her fellow students to stage a protest by bribing them with brownies. When this fails, Suzy uses every trick at her disposal to make him listen to the story, and wins the day for freedom of speech. "Enter the Chipmunk" Johnny gets a chipmunk down his shirt at a karate meet and ends up leveling everything in his path, impressing his karate teacher's rival, The Amber Claw, who kidnaps Johnny in the hopes of forcing him to reveal the secret of his technique. Unable to recreate his moves, Johnny is about to be made into black belt soup when his friend the chipmunk makes a fortuitous appearance. "Frankenbravo" Johnny appears at Dr. Frankenstein's castle to get back his kite, and is soon convinced to give up his brain in exchange for the hand of the new "bride" the doctor has been working on. She finds Johnny hideous and runs towards town. Johnny saves her from an angry mob, only to find she makes quite the nagging shrew-wife.