The Magic Mrs. Rickles

The Magic Mrs. Rickles

S2 E21: Mrs. Etta Rickles comes to town for a visit with daughter Tina. During dinner at Tom Corbett's apartment, Mrs. Rickles gives Eddie a magic piece of marble. He'll get his wish, if he rubs it and says a few magic words. Eddie promptly wishes for an "A" in spelling and gets it. Since he's never had an "A" before, Eddie's convinced the marble has supernatural powers. He then wishes for a mother. That morning Miss Huffman, a beautiful substitute teacher, conducts his class at school. Eddie plots to have Tom pick him up at school to meet Miss Huffman, only to learn that the teacher is engaged. He loses faith in the marble. Tom then tells Eddie he should have dreams. However, he must believe in himself, not in good-luck charms.
Starring Lisa Kirk, Jodie Foster, Chris Woodley