Honey, the Bunny Bit It

Honey, the Bunny Bit It

S2 E9: When Copernicus the rabbit dies, Nick enlists the aid of his pal Joel McKenna to help reanimate the Science Club mascot. On the plus side, the Szalinski Jr. Resurrect-O-Mat does put the bounce back in Nick's deceased furry friend. On the minus side, Copernicus didn't come back the same sweet bunny -- Beezle is actually a life-form from another dimension that was sucked into the dead pet. Wayne's attempt to send Beezle home backfires when Nick is also pulled into the dimension portal. Team Szalinski rallies to rescue Nick, and Diane and Amy's skills at VR game-playing come in handy battling gremlins in the slime pits of despair. Science triumphs, and Nick says a proper good-bye to Copernicus