Tummy Trouble/CuRT Meets BuRT

Tummy Trouble/CuRT Meets BuRT

S1 E8: Dan desperately wants to go to the Victory Rally for his favorite Full Contact Horseshoes team, The Rustbuckets, but his parents won’t let him miss school. In order to get out of school and go to the rally, Dan swallows an alien breath mint package to give himself a stomach ache but when he gives birth to 8 alien babies with a taste for metal, his plans quickly change to saving the huge Iron Bay Bridge where the rally is being held./When a new and improved robot assistant named BuRT arrives, Dan turns his back on his glitchy old pal CuRT. But when Copernicus recruits BuRT to the darkside, he tricks our heroes by trapping them in a collapsed mineshaft so that Copernicus can cocoon them. Will the loyal CuRT come through to save the day?